That week at Matters of Activity, we switched methods to a more interventionist style: constituting a « fermentation club » is a participatory and collaborative way to investigate on the relation between human and microbiome.
December 5, 2020 - We switched methods to a more interventionist style that week at »Matters of Activity«.
Constituting a “fermentation club” is a participatory and collaborative way to investigate the relationship between humans and the microbiome. The first hands-on fermentation workshop was the first event of the Shelf Life workshop, a day of conferences and presentations organized by my colleagues Alwin Cubasch and Anna Heitger. This was also a round of stimulating conferences with a proper panel that participants would attend from their own kitchen. I shared my kombucha routines, and pieces of my kombucha cultures, and conversed with the architect Bastian Beyer and the microbiologist Skander Hathroubi about cellulose-building bacteria.
This workshop developed further as a series of other explorations online and on-site: the Ferment-Activity Club.